submit your business here

We will help you reach the world

Our social media pages and website will display your business in Darjeeling to new visitors . And we will do this for free !

Claim & Get Started Today!

Do You want to know how it works? will make your business in Darjeeling visible online and attract new customers.


Add or Claim your Listing

Use the best intuitive forms ever to add or claim your business!

Upload photos, videos, add helpful links to your website or social media links, set an address, hours of operation, provide exact location, allow reservations and bookings directly from MyCarePlace.
Claim your listing, and a badge will be added to mark it as official and allow you to update it whenever you want.


Increase your visibility and earnings

Use listings, receive 5 star reviews and get discovered.

Once discovered, customers will come to you!  It’s up to you to make your visitors happy and leave positive reviews. That’s how we help them make better spending decisions.

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